Attitude is Everything’s DIY Access Guide
This is a free access guide for bands, artists and promoters on how to make gigs and tours more accessible for deaf and disabled people.
Attitude is Everything is a UK-based, disability-led charity that has supported the UK’s
live music industry since 2000. It works to improve deaf and disabled people’s access to live music by working in partnership with audiences, artists and the music industry. The free access guides by Attitude is Everything have been translated into 17 languages with the support of British Council.
The guide can be applied to anyone from any artform who is looking to present work to a face-to-face audience. It looks at how to make concerts, tours and the spaces they take place in more accessible for deaf and disabled people, be it artists or audiences.
Key Highlights
The guide covers the following:
1. Five things an artist can do when they play a random gig.
2. 10 things an artist can do when they put on their own gig.
3. Key things that an artist should aim to have while setting up and promoting an inclusive DIY tour.
4. Five tips for booking disabled artists.
5. Five tips for making accessible flyers.
6. Key things to include on the online event page.
7. Things to do if the venue uses features stairs or no accessible toilets.
8. Gig hacks.
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