Festival Resources

Attitude is Everything’s Access Starts Online for Festivals

This is a free access guide, designed to help festivals and outdoor events create high-quality information for deaf and disabled audiences.

Attitude is Everything is a UK-based, disability-led charity that has supported the UK’s live music industry since 2000. It works to improve deaf and disabled people’s access to live music by working in partnership with audiences, artists and the music industry. The free access guides by Attitude is Everything have been translated into 17 languages with the support of British Council.


Diversity and Inclusion
Festival Management


The purpose of the Access Starts Online campaign is to enable venues and festivals to provide comprehensive and clear access information for potential deaf and disabled customers. Many of the ideas mentioned in the guide are applicable to all artforms.

Key Highlights

The guide covers details to include in your access information and the next steps to be taken. The guide recommends providing information on a dedicated webpage that is easy to find from the front page of the event’s website.

Source: Attitude is Everything

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