Gotcha Impact Media

About Gotcha Impact Media
Gotcha Impact Media exists since 2008 and was initially known for its innovative manner of promotions with a focus on social and cultural messages and support of the young (urban) creative community. By strategically placing free advertising postcards in cafes, bars and universities/learning centers we reached over 1 crore youngsters in thirteen cities with Cards4U.
Since 2015, our director Noreen van Holstein has focused on the cultural and social sector and has played a prominent role in the positioning of MOG – Museum of Goa.
She was the initiator of #TeraMeraBeach, a 150 day programme executed together with Dristhi Marine on the beaches of Goa reaching out to Indian Tourists using drumming and art to spread an anti-litter and cleanliness message. This programme received an award by Viacom18.
LaLaLand Festival is an initiative by Gotcha Impact Media, and December 2023 will be its 5th edition. LaLaLand is a multidisciplinary, family friendly festival connecting various communities in Goa. The last edition had close to 2000 visitors, various acts, workshops, silent disco, games corner, food, and a secret bar. The festival also does a lot of effort towards sustainability efforts and to include marginalised communities.
About Gotcha Impact Media
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