Kriti Film Club

A film club connecting communities through thought-provoking cinema

About Kriti Film Club

The KRITI Film Club has been screening documentary films at least once a month since the year 2000 on a range of issues connected with development, human rights and social attitudes/ trends. It is a neighbourhood film club that showcases films made by amateur and professional filmmakers, for young and old hands, for Indian, South-Asian and international films. This is an initiative of KRITI: a development praxis and communication team, a not-for-profit entity, based in New Delhi, with work across India.

The crux of the KRITI Film Club is to place thought-provoking cinema in a discussion group that will help to deepen understanding on social and development issues among viewers and film-makers. It is an attempt to create a forum where students, activists, academicians, development professionals, media professionals and friends can come together and interact, through meaningful cinema. It also helps increase access of these films to a larger audience beyond film festivals and special screenings, as we keep the films for sale at our workplace after their screening. Our efforts are also to make it a place of rendezvous and meeting new people.

See the complete list of festival organisers here.


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